Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lesson 1 : Creating a New Menu in Tally Thru TDL

Lesson 1 (Creating New menu in the Gateway of Tally, Through TDL)

[#Menu: Gateway of Tally]
Item: My FirstTDL


Unknown said...

Hi Mani...

Just came across your amazing work. Would like to know more about TDL and how and where do we write the codes suggested by you and how to apply them to Tally 9

Anonymous said...

i am a system consultant and working with different clients as consultant software/hardware issues. if you don't mind i want to know about to create a small code to generate Form 8E(purchase bill from unregistered dealers) from Purchase printing screen.

Karthika Soundararajan said...

Dear sir,

Kindly help me with the TDL code to insert a line space between the stock items.

Thanks and regards,
Karthika S

Karthika Soundararajan said...

Dear sir,

Kindly help me with the TDL code to insert a line space between the stock items.

Thanks and regards,
Karthika S

Mani said...

;for Normal Invoice
[#Line: EXPINV InvDetails]
Space Top : 1

;for Simple Invoice
[#Line: EXPSMP InvDetails]
Space Top : 1